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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Emergency Kit Necessities

1/23/2023 (Permalink)

We hope this article has given you some ideas for what to include in your own emergency kit.

Severe weather can be unpredictable events and it can be difficult to say how severe they will be. They can cause severe flooding, property damage, and even death. It's important to be prepared for a storm so that you're ready if one hits your area. This article will discuss some of the most important aspects of your emergency kit.


Flashlights are an important tool for finding your way around in the dark. They can also be used to signal for help or to find things you've lost.

Extra Batteries

Batteries are a must for any emergency kit. In addition to flashlights, radios and other electronic devices will also need them. You may also want to consider storing backup chargers for your cell phone in your kit too so that you can keep your devices charged up when power is out. 

Battery Powered Radio

A battery-powered radio is another crucial piece to your emergency kit. You'll want to listen to local news updates and emergency broadcasts, as well as your local radio station for updates. If you have access to NOAA weather radio, that's another resource that can be useful during a hurricane. And if you live in an area with a fire department that uses a paging system in emergencies like these, you can use this resource as well.

Non-perishable Food and Water

Ensure you have enough nonperishable food and water to sustain you and your family for at least three days. This should give you enough time for things to calm down after the storm has passed.

Water is best stored in sealed containers with tight lids so that it doesn't evaporate or spill out. Food should be kept in cool, dry locations where there is little risk of being exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight (so no leaving your emergency kit outside).

Please remember that pets need food as well! Be sure to include pet supplies like food, bowls, and leashes for them as well.


Blankets are one of the most important items in an emergency kit. They can be used for sleeping or as a blanket, but you may also want to include them if you live in a cold climate.

Make sure you have enough blankets for everyone in your family or group before putting together an emergency kit! 

Portable Phone Chargers

If you are without power and would like to charge your phone, it's important to have a battery-powered charger on hand. Ideally, this should be a portable power bank or car charger, which can charge your phone while you are away from home.

Prescription Medications

Prescription medications are a must. Make sure to have enough medication for at least 3 days, and make sure you have a copy of your prescription in case your pharmacy doesn’t have the one you need. Make sure the medications are in their original containers with labels intact, that they haven’t expired, and that they are properly stored in airtight containers (they can lose potency quickly when exposed to heat and humidity). If possible, also include a list of all current medications (with dosages) and instructions on how to take each medication.

First Aid Kit

A first aid kit is an essential part of any emergency kit. It should be easy to carry, so don't forget to pack it in your go bag.

It's important that the first aid kit be well stocked with supplies that will help you treat minor injuries and illnesses until professional medical assistance can be reached. The following items are recommended:

  • Bandages (various sizes)
  • Gauze pads and rolls
  • Disinfectant wipes or spray bottles (baby wipes are great for cleaning wounds)
  • Antiseptic ointment - e.g., Neosporin or bacitracin
  • Sterile gauze sponges or cotton balls
  • Emergency tape/bandage strips
  • Tweezers - for removing splinters and other small objects

Whether you're in the path of a storm or not, it's important to be prepared for emergency situations. In case of a hurricane, flood, or another natural disaster that causes damage to your home and access to shops is cut off for more than 48 hours, you'll want to have an emergency kit on hand.

We hope this article has given you some ideas for what to include in your own emergency kit. If a storm comes through and damages your Scarsdale home, give SERVPRO of Scarsdale/Mount Vernon a call! We will help you get back on your feet quickly.

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