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Peeling Paint: Why and What to Do

11/5/2022 (Permalink)

Humidity can peel the paint off your ceiling and walls

Peeling Paint: Why and What to Do

Peeling paint is a common problem in Scarsdale homes and businesses. It’s unsightly and can be difficult to fix. So why does peeling paint happen? If you’re wondering why your paint is pooling, here are some reasons that this might be happening:

Places You May Notice Peeling Paint

You may notice your paint peeling in various spots, including the following:

  • Walls and ceilings
  • Trim
  • Molding (corners)
  • Doors
  • Windows

Fix the Problem Quickly 

Not fixing the peeling paint might cost you more in the long run. Peeling paint, as you may have guessed, is not a good look. But it's also more than just an aesthetic issue—a peeling paint job is also prone to rust and mildew growth, which can lead to structural damage in the long term. That's the last thing you want for your home!

Once you've determined that there are no structural issues holding your paint back from sticking properly, it's time to address the problem head-on. Fix the source of the problem first, and then fix the paint issue.

Possible Sources of Peeling Paint

A water leak might be your source. If you have a water leak in your home (or if there was a plumbing problem before you purchased it), the moisture could be causing peeling paint. You should call a plumber to repair any leaks and check the foundation of your home to make sure it’s not damaged.

If you're noticing paint peeling off your walls and ceiling, it's possible that the problem is caused by a water leak. Invisible leaks can lead to visible problems if they're not taken care of quickly and effectively. For example, invisible leaks can lead to mold and mildew growth, as well as particleboard disintegration, and peeling paint. 

Humidity could be another problem. The humidity level in your house may also have an effect on whether or not paint will peel off, especially if it's very low in temperature for an extended period of time (as this can cause condensation). In order for paint to adhere properly, humidity levels need to be above 50 percent. Otherwise, moisture can get trapped between the wall and its surface coating which causes peeling over time due. 

It's important for homeowners to act quickly when they notice paint peeling off their walls and ceilings—especially if there are any other signs of moisture damage in the home (for example discolored carpeting or floors).

It’s easy for us humans to tell ourselves that we don’t have enough money for home repairs like these, but when something goes wrong with our homes it becomes an emergency situation that requires immediate action! Often these emergency situations are more costly than fixing the problem at the first, small sign of a problem.

Hopefully, we’ve given you a few ideas on why your paint is peeling and how to fix it. If you have any water damage in your home or business, call SERVPRO of Scarsdale/Mount Vernon. We will be glad to assist in mitigating and restoring your home back to its original condition. 

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