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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

3 Topics To Review With Kids Before a Fire

7/28/2022 (Permalink)

Plan for your family on what to do in case of a fire in your home breaks out

Kids Safety Tips

A top priority for parents in Scarsdale, NY is kids' safety. When developing emergency drills and plans, parents should remember these three often-overlooked concepts. They will especially help children be mentally and physically prepared for an emergency.

1. Visit a Firefighter in Full Gear

First, it is a terrific idea for children to visit a fire station in Scarsdale, NY, to see a firefighter in full gear before any emergency, especially a home fire. The basic uniform includes a coat, boots, pants, gloves, and a helmet. People may forget that a mask covers the firefighter’s face and his or her breathing device can sound more like Darth Vader. Children hopefully will feel less anxious if they’ve seen a firefighter’s apparatus before a true emergency.

2. Discuss Usage of the Fire Escape

The second item to discuss regarding kids' safety is how children actually use a fire escape if they are above the first level of a home or apartment. Children should practice unlatching and opening windows or doors nearby. They need to understand how to physically climb down the house or building. Every bedroom higher than the primary level should have a fire ladder. All family members should know where to find the ladders, how to set them up, and how to use them. This process can include pushing or kicking a screen to remove it.

3. Explain the Need To Attract Attention

In a truly desperate situation, family members should all understand it’s okay to break a window to get attention from firefighters below. If children have trouble opening a window, teach them how to break the glass in an emergency.

When it comes to fires and kids' safety, drills and discussions are crucial. As children grow and mature, their understanding will expand and actions and responses will vary in any emergency situation. Hence, it’s also important to regularly review and revise your plans for what to do in case of a fire and the necessary work afterward.

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