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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

What To Do Before Your Adjuster Arrives

6/21/2022 (Permalink)

When a storm hits your home in Bronxville, NY, call SERVPRO of Scarsdale/Mount Vernon

Before Your Adjuster Arrives, Here's What You Should Do

When a storm hits your home in Bronxville, NY, it is likely that damage will be widespread throughout the area. Even if you have flood insurance, it is still in your best interest to limit the amount of damage to your home as much as possible. Your insurance adjuster will likely be very busy during this time, so it's important to take a few key steps before he or she arrives.

Call Restoration Professionals

The first call you should make after alerting your insurance company is to flood restoration specialists. There are several benefits to calling them quickly:

• Assessment of initial damage
• Faster water extraction to prevent further harm to your home
• Itemized list of damages to help with insurance claim

Even if they get a lot of calls, they tend to be equipped to mobilize quickly in an emergency situation and can probably get to you faster than your flood insurance adjuster. In fact, with the list of damages they provide, they can actually make adjusters' jobs easier once they arrive by providing an estimate of what the remediation will cost.

Take Lots of Pictures

If the damage is severe, you may have to evacuate your home to keep yourself and your family safe. If you can safely do so, however, it is a good idea to take as many pictures as you can. You may even consider taking a video of all the affected areas of your home. If it has been a few days, and the flood damage has turned into mold damage, make sure you document that as well. The more evidence that you can provide of the repairs your home needs, the better chance you have of getting your claim accepted.

Even if you have great flood insurance, a large storm can overtax local adjusters, delaying their ability to get to you in a timely manner. Taking proactive steps to document the flood damage and keep it from getting worse can help you in the long run.

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