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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Who Is Financially Responsible for an Apartment Fire?

5/23/2022 (Permalink)

Structural fire damage is the responsibility of the landlord. It includes the building itself and its electrical, plumbing and other systems.

Who Is Financially Liable For A Fire In An Apartment?

Landlords take on various responsibilities when they rent a property in Bronxville, NY. They must provide a safe, clean and livable space for their tenants. Keeping up with maintenance, repairs and safety codes is part of a landlord's duties. Paying the mortgage and property taxes is also necessary. Property insurance is vital, too, and if your property experiences an apartment fire, it's good to know what damages landlords must cover.

Landlord Duties After a Fire

Immediately following a fire, landlords should take care of some urgent tasks:

  • Contact your insurance agent to file a claim.
  • Call a fire restoration company to secure your property from further damage and begin repairs.
  • Check on your tenants to ensure they have received medical treatment. Ask them what they know about the fire.
  • Check with a fire officer before entering the property with your tenant to collect belongings and assess the damage.

Financial Responsibility for an Apartment Fire

Once the initial shock is over and your tenants have temporary housing, repair work can begin. You may have questions about financial responsibility.
Structural fire damage is the responsibility of the landlord. It includes the building itself and its electrical, plumbing and other systems. Landlords are not liable for the tenant's personal belongings. Tenants should have renter's insurance to cover their items.

Your property insurance policy typically covers your portion of the damage. If the fire resulted from the negligence of your tenants or their guests, they must be accountable for paying the deductible and your out-of-pocket costs. It's a good idea to explain this in the lease agreement so that if you have a fire, there's no question about responsibility. Typically, your insurance company reaches out to the tenant's insurance company to seek liability compensation.

An apartment fire is something landlords prefer to avoid. However, knowing what to do in an emergency helps you be prepared if the unthinkable happens.

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